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Solar panel owners share their experiences.

As solar panels become more widespread, we have sourced the web for reviews, talked with some of our users and collated an unbiased option on what users think about solar panels.

2 mins read

What are solar panels?

Solar panels, also known as photovoltaic systems (PV) are devices that convert sunlight to electricity, they’re usually installed on rooftops. Installers have a variety of points to take into consideration when deciding if Solar panels are viable. In the current UK industry, there is no transparency about if your roof is fit for solar panels.
As we started our journey, we collated many user interviews, from people that have installed solar panels and have had them for some time. We needed to understand the pitfalls of installing, how users think of their investment and what we can do better at sunmatch. These are the findings.

Positive sunny experience

As it’s always good to start on a positive note, many UK homeowners are thrilled with their decision to go solar. Hearing over and over again they are amazed at the amount of money they saved on electricity bills, especially in the last 2 years. On the side, users can brag to their friends how their house has become a green oasis of energy for which they can be extremely proud.
One user said: “It’s great, I am now the green energy expert of the neighbourhood and have helped some of my neighbours understand and purchase the right type of solar panels”
The common theme amongst users is the amount of energy savings they produce with their systems. They can share this with their friends and family through apps that monitor their energy production and the amount sent back to the grid. These homeowners noted that their energy bills have dropped considerably, and they were successful in providing the grid with green energy as well.
Another common theme among people's experiences with solar panels is the sense of energy independence. Several users have reported that because they were less reliant on energy suppliers, especially during times of rising energy costs, they felt extremely satisfied with their purchases. One homeowner mentioned that they were able to save £330 annually just by shifting their energy usage during the day when the solar panels produced more electricity. This reviewer also highlighted that the system paid for itself faster than expected thanks to a variety of factors including his behaviour but also the SEG payments received.
Homeowners in the sunnier regions of the UK such as the South West, generally reported quicker payback times due to higher solar irradiance (the amount of direct sunlight a region receives throughout the year). One user in Cornwall shared that they were producing even more electricity than anticipated, even when the sky was cloudy resulting in more savings.

Cloudy negative experience

While the majority of homeowners have had positive experiences, others have encountered challenges. The main reason for this was the high installation costs. Despite the 0% VAT rate on PV (Photovoltaic Systems), the initial cost is a significant sum for many homeowners. For some homeowners, the payback time can increase significantly if their home is not in a great spot. At we offer full transparency if your home is fit for solar. The current market does not offer clarity of whether your home is in a good sunny area of the UK and if the roof orientation and angle are maximised for solar panels. We decided to turn the tide to the consumer's advantage giving you transparent payback periods and solar potential. By using our solar calculator you can see if it’s viable to purchase solar panels.
Some users reported dissatisfaction with the amount of electricity generated. Sometimes, trees or other obstacles tend to get in the way of the sun hitting your roof throughout the day. One user noted that despite the investment in solar, they are still reliable on the grid for the majority of their energy consumption.
Some users also reported a lack of communication with the installers and issues with the installation process itself. One user said: ”I’ve had to have several installer visits before actually making a decision and the process was long and tedious”. We have figured out that the process is extremely annoying. There is no clear view of different providers, installers need to come to your place to understand if your roof is slanted or not. Sunmatch offers exactly that. A detailed report for your property free of charge.


The experience of homeowners varies but overall majority of users tend to be satisfied with their purchase. For those in the sunnier area, the majority of happy customers is overwhelming. However, for those homeowners who have been miss-sold solar panels based on misinformation, the picture is not as rosy. If you are considering purchasing solar panels, you must research thoroughly, ensuring you are in a good position and you are working with a reputable installer.

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